How Dopamine Detox can Revitalize your Life’s Goals

In our daily lives we feel bombarded with unhealthy stimuli such as digital media, texts, beep beep sounds, slack messages and binge-watching TV shows. Our life constantly revolves around the pleasant feeling that we anticipate through various tasks we perform on a daily basis.

This results in instant dopamine hit which urges us to perform these pleasurable tasks on a consistent basis. Eventually, we become slaves to our habits which produce a constant amount of dopamine.

That’s where dopamine detox comes to the rescue. It makes us progress in life and raises productivity by breaking bad habits which are hijacking us in our daily routine.

Dopamine detox helps me build my momentum

Social media is a complete distraction. It derails you from following the more focused path. Adapting social media into your daily routines will make you an unmotivated sloth.

The more you scroll social media, the more you will see yourself falling into the trap of undisciplined pursuit and engaging in tasks that do not yield any productivity.

This way you can completely lose momentum of doing hard things. Thus if you abstain from social media and activities that yield negative outcomes such as make you face depression and anxiety. You have to adopt the concept of dopamine detox which will develop more mental clarity.

Declutter your mind with dopamine detox

In our daily lives, we consume too much content. The content can be in a positive and negative form. our brains don’t have the ability to filter the content. We have to do it manually by enabling ourselves not to consume negative content. with so much stuff, our mind gets clouded with some negative thoughts. The only way to have more mental clarity is by vomiting all the stuff that you have consumed so far. you can plan your detox period by doing

How to Declutter your mind

There is a term called Minimalism often flaunted by many of us when it comes to cleaning out our workspace and organizing things. This technique is often used to identify things that are specific and declutter the unwanted things out of your life.

I was sitting here on the desk and brooding over for a long time to get a perfect idea to craft for my next article.

but then something distracted me, I saw piles of books on my table. Some are journals, novels and non-fiction stacked on one another. it felt a little dirty and quite messy.

so what you will do in that case

I vowed to start it from my room to my computer and then my mind. Minimalism is not only limited to physical things. you can declutter your mind also if you want to.

and when it comes to mind and internal things, there is a more accurate term and that is essentialism. Essentialism refers to the process of singling out a few ideas which are important out of many.

Adopting “less is more” approach

one shift that can make a big difference in your lifestyle is living by the idea of “less is more” which means focusing on only those things that matter rather than things that don’t matter.

“Less is more ” means you put efforts only into those things which will yield positive results.

one strong effort in a single direction is far better than putting efforts in many directions.

That’s what makes a person essentialist.

here are a few steps to declutter your mind


your mind is brimmed with so many unwanted ideas.

Meditation is an antidote to chaos. Meditating for just an hour a day makes you more self-aware. After meditation, you are more aware of your thoughts. You can identify the negative thoughts and reframe those negative thoughts into positive ones.

You can feel your dopamine spikes when you meditate. mediation creates a focus and increases your concentration level. when you are aware of your thoughts, you can eliminate them also.


Another practice that is similar to meditation is exercise. It can cultivate a focus. you can create productive efforts for some tasks.

Take a dumbbell, and start curling it. if you do it daily, you will start to notice a difference in you.

Start writing

The best way to empty your mind is by writing. Jot down unwanted ideas. you will feel fresh Writing is one of the most effective techniques to get rid of unwanted thoughts. You will get a sense of relief.

Dopamine detox helps in raising productivity

Have you ever wondered when you are most productive in your daily life? It’s probably in the morning time. When you wake up to so much clutter in your daily life, you are bound to be unproductive and feel sluggish throughout the whole day. It’s because your mind is empty at the start of the day. It’s already well detoxed so you perform tasks at a better speed and it unearthed tons of ideas at that time. That’s how it boosts productivity.

In some companies, employees undergo dopamine detox to perform well throughout the day and keep themselves more proactive and productive.

Dopamine detox helps me embrace self-control

well, restricting myself from using social media, not eating mouthwatering food and other dopamine-induced activities has led me to embrace self-control.

Self-control allows us to delay gratification, regulate our emotions, and make decisions that align with our long-term interests.

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